

Will Cogley’s Innovative Mechanical Hand

Will Cogley’s Innovative Mechanical Hand

Since 2017, Will Cogley has been on a mission to lend a helping hand – quite literally. His groundbreaking work revolves around the development of a mechanical hand and forearm that replicate the intricate movements of the human hand. However,…

The New Atlas

The New Atlas

Boston Dynamics recently released its next generation Atlas robot. One of the key takeaways is to show that ‘Atlas can keep a humanoid form without limiting “how a bipedal robot can move”’. To that end, the new Atlas has swivel…

The story of two Companion Robots

The story of two Companion Robots

Cozmo and Vector refined what it means to have a companion robot, blending the lines between entertainment, education, and personal connection. In 2018 they introduced one of the most compact pair of companion robots: Cozmo and Vector. Companion robots are…



UB Tech has developed a variety of humanoid robots reflecting its experience and focus on humanizing their robots, viewing them as companions or helpers. To that end they have created a very approachable humanoid bot they call the Alpha Mini….

What’s All the Buzz?

What’s All the Buzz?

An intergalactic scouting team helmed by Robosen of Transformers fame travelled beyond infinity and battled the forces of Zurg to rescue Buzz – Buzz Lightyear that is. Or so it would seem. There really is nothing quite like seeing Buzz…

What happened to the Super Anthony Robot?

What happened to the Super Anthony Robot?

The Super Anthony Robot Fighter made its debut on the scene through a successful Kickstarter campaign launched in 2018. The campaign surpassed its funding goal, securing $86,981 against a target of $60,000, indicating a strong interest in the product. Unlike…

What is Arduino and Raspberry Pi?

What is Arduino and Raspberry Pi?

Both Arduino and Raspberry Pi have become fundamental building blocks to handle digital information for everyone from the home hobbyist to professional designers of electronic interfaces. Despite any perceived similarities, they are really two very different products developed for very…